A Credit Card Cash Advance is a discounted, prepaid purchase of future credit card receipts. Businesses receive cash today for their future receivables and pay back through a small percentage of their daily credit card receipts during a 6 to 10 month term, or until the balance is fully satisfied.
Credit Card Cash Advances are designed for businesses that do over $20,000 per month in credit card sales. Funding is based on measurable credit card sales. The merchant would need to be processing with or switch to: Integrity Payment Systems, IRN Payment Systems or Priority.
When you want to borrow a specific amount for a one-time need-whether you are looking to upgrade an equipment or buy materials, then a loan may be your best solution. Our loans offer predictable payments and are competitive. Apply today to find out how much your business qualifies for!


Our ACH funding is tailored for businesses that derive little revenue from credit card sales. Businesses access working capital centered on their cash flow.
Like a Credit Card Cash Advance, this is the purchase of future receivables. In this case, the future deposits of the business. Funding is based on the aggregate cash flow through the businesses operating accounts. Repayment is made by automated electronic debits (ACH) over specified terms. This allows businesses to use future cash flow in the future to obtain the working capital they need to grow now.
With a line of credit, you can access funds whenever you need them up to your available credit limit. Access as little or as much of your credit line as you need, and continue to use it as you repay. Apply today to find out how much your business qualifies for!